Team Trips

Why take part in a Team Mission Trip

1. Above everything, to share the Gospel

* There is no greater message to share with people around the world than that of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

2. Live out the Great Commission

* It’s simply obeying God’s commands in Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15 to go into all the world. From home to the ends of the earth, short-term missions is the best way for a group of people to make an impact and expand the Kingdom of God.

3. Make an impact that lasts

* We don’t view our Team Trips as a one-and-done opportunity. We believe they are opportunities to develop strong, long-term relationships with the ministries we serve. It is our Team Members that gives YES Ministries the ability to continue the work with our National Partners the other 51 weeks of the year. Team Members are the fuel added to their spiritual flames!

4. Meet new people and make friendships

* One of the most common statements we hear from Team Members is, “I feel I was blessed more than I was a blessing.” That’s because as you answer the call of God to “GO”, He will use the community of believers you serve to help you grow in your faith. Many of our Team Members come home with life-long friendships made.

5. Experience a new worldview and gain new perspective

* Short-term mission trips will change you (if you let God do His work), by shaping and changing your worldview. One of the best ways we’ve heard it put is that short-term mission trips help you realize that God is the King of the WORLD, not just the USA or your backyard, and this is a necessary part of growing spiritually.