Covenant House of Grenada

Grenada is called the “Island of Spice”. Grenada produces about 20% of the world’s nutmeg. The southernmost of the Windward Islands (the north-south arc of the Lesser Antilles), Grenada is located directly South of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and approximately 100 miles North of Venezuela. Grenada is divided into six parishes, covering 135 square miles, and its capital is St. George’s. The population is approximately 116,000. In September, 2004, Grenada found itself in the direct path of Hurricane Ivan. Ivan hit the island with over 135 mph winds and caused, as one Caribbean disaster official put it, “total devastation”. Approximately 90% of the homes on the island were damaged or destroyed, leaving thousands homeless. Most of the infrastructure that was in place to accommodate the countries main source of income, tourism, was also destroyed. Our good friend, Pastor Denis Celestine said, “In the matter of minutes, the lush green island became stripped bare and brown from the hurricane.” Despite the country’s “bounce back”, Hurricane Ivan had a lasting effect. Grenada has the highest poverty rate among the Eastern Caribbean countries, with 38% of its people living in poverty and those most affected are the kids. Grenada has seen an increase in teen pregnancies and, for years, children in Grenada have been exposed to substantial sexual violence and exploitation. We are so privileged to be serving with our National Partners, Pastor Denis and Debbie Celestine and Pastor Francis Houston to help meet this great need of ministering and caring for the orphaned and uncared for children in Grenada. Pastors Celestine and Houston have ministered to the people of Grenada for decades and currently work together in planting churches around the island. Pastor Celestine told me, “There is a dire need in Grenada to show orphaned and uncared for children that there is meaning and value in their lives. The work that God is and will do through YES Ministries Covenant House Orphan Care Ministry will help our village, community, Grenada, and by extension, the whole world.” You can be a part of this great ministry on the island of Grenada.

God’s great blessings!

Tony Scellato – YES Ministries Founder