About Us!

IIn 2009, YES Ministries was born out of a love for youth and a desire to reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ and then train them to go make disciples just like Jesus commanded us to do in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go he therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: (20) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Add to that love for youth, a passion for missions, and you have the heart of YES Ministries. We decided to begin planning our first Team Missions trip for December 2010 to the island of Grenada. We knew two Pastors there and felt that would be a great place to do our first trip as a ministry. Grenada was the Island our Founder, Tony Scellato, had taken his first missions trip when he was 19 years old. With our team of 17 people, we were scheduled to leave for Grenada right after Christmas 2010 and be there conducting different youth programs through the New Year. What we didn’t know was, that God had a faith teaching moment for us. The day before we were to leave, we began hearing about flight cancellations, from Houston to New Jersey, due to heavy winter storms. New Jersey was the first stop we were to make after leaving Indianapolis. Our flight did get canceled and so we did the only thing you can do (and should do) in these types of situations, we prayed! I think the prayer went something like this, “God, what do we do?” Well, I’m happy to say, we were able to reschedule our trip to June, 2011.

All of our Team Members were still able to go and what an amazing trip God gave us. And, what a amazing 10+ years God has given us to minister to youth in a variety of ways. Through several Team Trips, YES Ministries has been able to reach and disciple many youth. We love seeing youth give their heart and life to Jesus and come alongside them to help them grow in their faith.

Everyday, YES Ministries works to honor God through our calling.
- To care for kids - SERVE
- To point kids to a relationship with Jesus through salvation - EVANGELISM
- To teach kids the ways of God through scripture - DISCIPLESHIP